Blog Post

Exiit qui seminat

Nov 20, 2022


As a Church, we begin a new liturgical year with the celebration of the 1st Sunday of Advent. This Advent, in particular, is especially unique because Christmas falls on a Sunday. So unlike other years in which the 4th Sunday of Advent is rarely a full week, we actually get 4 whole weeks Advent! Two whole weeks to prepare our hearts and our souls for when Christ comes again at the end of time. Two whole weeks to prepare for our celebration of the Birth of our Lord and Savior. As a part of this important spiritual journey the parish is happy to welcome Father Matthew Breslin, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, to give our Advent retreat on December 12-14 entitled, "The Greatest LoveStory Ever Told: God's Never-Ending Pursuit of Humanity". I encourage you to attend as much of the parish mission as you can. We are also offering the Sacrament of Confession several times during Advent: Tuesday, December 13th from 1-3 PM, Wednesday, December 14th at 7 PM as a part of our mission, and Tuesday, December 20th from 1-3 PM and 7-9 PM. Our Lord shows us the fullness of His mercy by entering into the world to save us and gives us Confession as an instrument of that same mercy. But just as Advent came upon us so quickly, Christmas will be here before we know it. It is my prayer that we, as a parish and a Diocesan Shrine, that we can use this time of preparation well. Come Lord Jesus!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Fr. Rob Sinatra

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